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Schaffer Mortgage Corporation
2674 SE Willoughby Blvd. Stuart FL 34994-4700
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Purchasing a home?

The home of your dreams is waiting for you. We offer personalized service, we can quickly help secure the right home loan that is a perfect option for you. We make the loan process simple and straightforward. Our team of knowledgeable originators are ready to work for you, give us a call today.

Looking to refinance?

If you are considering refinancing your current mortgage, we can help you with your options. We listen to your specific needs then present personalized mortgage options for you. Your needs can change, with the current market and values of homes at a all time high now is a good time to look at your options to use your equity to payoff those high interest rate debts. It cost you nothing to give us a call and see how we can help you.